Smarter Surfaces, the industry leader in projection paint solutions, conducted extensive research and development to create a new layering technology that matches and exceeds the performance of traditional projection screens. One of their customers, Jamie, a passionate home cinema enthusiast, successfully converted his garage into a cinema/games room using one of Smarter Surfaces solutions: Smart Ambient Light Rejecting (ALR) Projector Screen Paint. By applying this innovative paint, he achieved a high-quality screen without the need for a fixed frame screen.

The primary challenge faced during the project was selecting a screen solution that would work optimally in a room with ambient light and blend seamlessly into the room. The homeowner wanted to install a pool table at the other end of the room, which could potentially affect the image quality. Extensive research revealed limited options for fixed frame screens of the desired size. Before finding Smarter Surfaces he was considering importing a large screen and he was quoted $1800 for the larger sizes.

Driven by a desire for a visually clean and cost-effective alternative, he discovered Smarter Surfaces projector screen paint, designed specifically for ultra-short throw (UST) projectors and versatile room use, he decided to give it a try.

The process involved preparing the wall followed by the application of Smarter Surfaces ALR Projector Screen Paint kit which is a two coat system. Jamie was impressed with the kit contents which had everything needed to install the projection paint. The result was an entire wall that integrated into the room's aesthetics, but performed like a high performance ALR screen.

Smarter Surfaces ALR Paint Set Up
Screen painted on white wall.

To enhance the visual impact, he projected an image smaller than the painted wall, creating an elegant frame effect around the edge. The overall effect is so convincing that some of his friends believed there was an actual screen mounted on the wall, when the room was completely dark.

Thrilled with the outcome, he was delighted with the paint as a low-cost alternative to a fixed frame screen. Friends and family who have watched the room transformation think it's excellent, working both with ambient light and no ambient light. Given the exceptional result achieved with the projector screen paint, there was no need to invest $1,800 in a screen.

ALR Paint with Ambient Lighting
ALR Paint without Ambient Lighting
Above is a still picture with lights on at the back of the room. Below is the same picture but with no lights on in the room. The colours are a little more vibrant.

"I am extremely pleased with the result of using the Smarter Surfaces projector screen paint," said Jamie. "Not only am I impressed, but everyone who has seen it also shares my enthusiasm. If you are considering a similar project, I highly recommend trying this option first before committing to an expensive screen."

Click here to learn more about Smarter Surfaces Smart ALR Screen Paint.

Comments (3) Post a Comment
Paul Posted Jun 22, 2023 6:20 AM PST
I'm wondering how this really compares to a UST/ALR screen? There is a fair bit of reflection that is clearly occurring off the ceiling, which is a major factor in UST/ALR screens, and part of their actual optical grid build design, and why they tend to have such high cost. This screen really looks more like a darker grey standard screen. I'm wondering how the company that made this screen paint actually makes it ALR and more specifically, UST/ALR vs. the optically created screens.

I'm also wondering how much wall prep was put in place, as most walls aren't actually perfectly flat, which is a major issue with UST projectors. Would love some additional details, and some sort of comparison to a store bought UST/ALR screens as reference.
Erich Posted Jun 28, 2023 2:42 PM PST

How is this any different than any other "screen" paint out there? Not being a downer here, but screen goo has been around forever, and then there are the countless "expert" blends out there all being sold as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Also, I don't know how many times I have seen / heard folks start with the screen paint wall, only to move on to an actual fixed or electric screen later on. ALL of them having basically said the actual screens were ten times better, and had they known they would never have gone with the screen paint to begin with. For less than the price of paint being advertised, one could get some boards, screen material (of which there are a plethora of affordable options), staples and staple gun, a cheap mitre etc... and just build the better screen.

As the above mentioned, the wall HAS to be done really well, otherwise there will be issues. Especially with UST.
Michael Lima Posted Jun 30, 2023 2:23 AM PST
I've had Paint on Screen for 6 years now and am upgrading to a higher grade of Paint on Screen. Several of my friends with projector screens have commented that my painted screen looks as good if not better than their motorized or pull-down screen. I am certain that anyone who has seen a Paint on Screen versus a pull down would never say a pull down is even 2 times better, because, in fact, it is not. The emulsions, gain, color palette and detail of Paint on Screen and perhaps Smarter Surfaces paint and others, is superior to pull down/motorized screens because its reflective particles set on a flat surface and aren't rolled which compresses them. My best advice -- do your homework and see for yourself. I did. Thanks.

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